Camera Controls
Image Sensor
Since the dawn of photography, cameras have captured
and stored images on glass plates or on film. Today, digital cameras
capture the images on a nifty piece of technology – the image sensor.
The image sensor is made up of millions of light sensitive photodiodes
set on a grid, where each photodiode records a tiny portion of the image
as a numeric value that corresponds to a specific brightness level,
which is then used to create your image. Image sensors, whether they are
CCD or CMOS, vary from camera to camera but they’re basically the same,
and the megapixel count shouldn’t be a priority in the decision-making
process when buying a camera. Why? Because the size of the sensor is
actually more important that the number of megapixels.
Camera Lens
A lens is an optical component made out of glass,
high quality plastic, or ceramic, which captures the light and assembles
it on a point of focus at the matte screen passing through a condensing
lens inside the camera. If you are looking for ease of handling, you
can go for point-and-shoot cameras with fixed lenses. However if you are
concerned about picture quality, you should invest in a digital SLR
(DSLR) camera with interchangeable lenses. Interchangeable lenses allow
you to have much more control of your images, and to be far more
creative than you can be with a point-and-shoot camera. All in all, DSLR
cameras produce a more professional photograph.
Camera Modes
DSLR cameras are equipped with a variety of shooting
modes that increase the automatic decision making of the camera. These
cameras, thankfully, have semi-automatic and manual modes too, which put
the control back in your hands for more technical and creative
applications. In PROGRAM mode, the camera sets the exposure, but the
user can adjust the white balance, ISO, focusing and metering. There are
two semi-automatic modes: 1) Shutter Priority (Tv) is where the user
sets the shutter speed and the camera determines the aperture. Shutter
Priority allows the user to control how “the action” is captured. 2)
Aperture Priority (Av) where the user selects the aperture and the
camera determines the shutter speed. Aperture Priority allows the user
to control the depth-of-field.
Built-in Flash
A built-in flash is provided with every digital
camera. The camera’s computer determines need for flash according to the
exposure metering, focusing and zoom systems. On compact cameras the
built-in flash is triggered to go off in perfect sync with the shutter,
but it’s hard to control the timing and intensity of the flash. This can
result in washed-out photos. DSLRs have pop-up flashes that can be
controlled in various ways to be in-sync with the shutter or drag behind
the shutter; in addition the intensity can be manipulated in accordance
to the overall light of the scene. DSLR cameras allow for more pleasing
and artistic use of the flash.
Viewing System
Most digital cameras have two viewing systems - the
optical viewfinder and the electronic viewfinder. While both systems
show you what the lens sees, the electronic viewfinder can tell you
other things about the nature of your digital image. One area where the
electronic viewfinder is superior is in determining color balance. The
electronic viewfinder can show where the highlights are overexposing
(and if you’ll need to compensate). What is great is that you’ll see
this in real-time. The optical viewfinder puts you directly inside the
mechanical world of the camera, and tends to perhaps give you a better
sense of the composition because you’re seeing exactly what the lens is
seeing, not an electronic approximation.
Subin Sebastian
(Creative Photography)
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